1. To facilitate the creation of conditions and an environment that enables the implementation of a timely and efficient process related to the process of revision and implementation of the Constitution, which results in:
2. Confirmation of the unified view of the official position of the Federal Government agencies in the task of Reviewing and implementing the Constitution.
3. The preparation and implementation of the National Referendum Law which will be the basis for holding a Referendum to ratify the Constitution.
4. Facilitating solutions that enable a political environment to prepare and hold a Referendum on the Constitution.
The Constitutional Review and Monitoring Committee of the Federal Parliament performs its responsibilities and duties in accordance with Articles 133 and 134 of the Transitional Federal Constitution, which include:
2. Submits to the Independent Commission for the Review and Implementation of the Constitution a draft law project, to ensure the consistency and coherence of the provisions of the draft Constitution.
3. They review among themselves the draft regulations and the accompanying report submitted by the Independent Commission for the Review and Implementation of the Constitution.
4. He informs and consults the civil society, scholars, women, youth, political organizations and all other sections of the public about the contents of the proposal and the report submitted by the Independent Commission for the Review and Implementation of the Constitution in collaboration with the Ministry Constitutional Affairs.
5. He ensures that the public is given adequate opportunities to participate in the discussions as much as possible.
6. He consults with the committees and other members of the Federal Parliament.
7. He consults with the Legislative Bodies of the member states of the Federal Government.
8. He independently plans and manages the budget of the Monitoring and Review Committee of the Constitution, while respecting the laws of the Financial Administration of the Federal Republic of Somalia.
9. He prepares the action plan and the constitutional review process and the necessary budget to carry out the activities of the constitutional review process in collaboration with the Ministry of Constitutional Affairs and the Independent Commission for the Constitution. –
10. The Constitutional Review and Monitoring Committee of the Federal Parliament supervises and is accountable for the activities of the Ministry of Constitutional Affairs and the Independent Committee for the Review and Implementation of the Constitution in accordance with the Transitional Constitution.