Consultation and Awareness

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The revision of the constitution in order to obtain legality and complete ownership of Somalis is necessary to consult with all sectors of society and at the same time educate the Somali people. The action plan guided the consultation and sensitization of the working sectors, stakeholders and the public regarding the revised chapters of the KMG Constitution. The plan detailed the public awareness and consultation strategy aligned with the Constitution revision process. Therefore, the Action Plan ensured the achievement of the objectives of the public awareness and consultation strategy mentioned below:

  1. Raising the awareness of the Somali people related to the Reform of the Constitution
  2. Promotion of public awareness and consultation on the revision of the Constitution
  3. Creating opportunities for the public to express their views on the Revision of the Constitution
  4. Collecting, analyzing and presenting the opinion of the Somali people.

In line with Article 133, the strategic plan indicated that various sectors of society and the government should be consulted, in order to get their views on the revision of the Constitution, which are:

  1. Federal Parliament
  2. Federal Government
  3. DXF Legislative Assemblies
  4. DXF Governments
  5. Somali citizens living in the country and abroad
  6. Displaced people
  7. Civil society organizations
  8. The youth
  9. Media organizations
  10. The armed forces.
  11. Political parties
  12. Disability
  13. Scholars
  14. The traditional elder
  15. Women
  16. Traders
  17. Trade Unions
  18. Judging
  19. Educational Institutions
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